Welcome To
clansubmission.tk !

Hi there, Im Bryan,
clansubmission.tk Features the thing every clan in sherwood wishs to gain, a nice website for submiting your clan and organizing clan battles, well, here is the place!
Basically what we do is support and collide all the tacked on clan of sherwood to come together in this one site in order to stay in an organized way of playing the game while within a fun clan. Our rules are plain and simple. Just dont spam the site in any way, dont mistreat other members, we realize there will be times things may get a little heated, please control yourselves I made this for free family oriented fun.
This service is open to all clans within sherwood, no were else, want to organize a clan battle, or even just get your clan out there! Put it on here, guarenteed increase, youll notice you can trust me.
Lastly, check in to me for more updates on the site, its updated by the hour!
Events page, look for upcoming events.
JAVA Chat room enabled, user may now chat live with members specifically on this website currently. Easy to organize if wanted to organize within that matter.
Recently update at 12:29 eastern time, the clan war report page, what this page is involved in is what you do, you submit the follow information,
1.Your clan
2.Clan Fighting Against (must be on site)
3.Time (eastern)
4.Room #
-Then after submitting that with the
CONTACTS page, i will personally recieve the message, then i will send one of our specially trained referees to the room. Who will keep fight clean and organized.